In 2019, the George Town Revitalisation Initiative held a public town hall to share its plans for enhancing the George Town experience under the multi-year Government project.

As part of the meeting, participants were surveyed on their priorities and aspirations for the project, and what a revitalised capital looked like to them. Here are some of the key findings from the survey.


What are your priorities for the revitalisation of George Town?

Many respondents were looking for better connectivity within the city centre, which is an important part of the initiative aimed at increasing sociability, encouraging footfall and lengthening the time people spend in town.


What recreational spaces you would like to see in George Town?

Nearly all respondents wanted to see more scenic viewpoints in George Town as well as green spaces, which are both key components of every Central Business District Enhancement Project.


What types of land use would you expect to see in George Town?

A healthy mixed community is key to creating a city environment that is active day and night and all through the weekend, with respondents recognising hospitality and residential as important components of that.


Should historic buildings and sites be protected?

Under the initiative, many interesting or historically significant areas have been enhanced, repurposed or maintained to ensure these important markers of local history are not lost or redeveloped.


On average, how long does it take you to find parking in George Town?

George Town boasts more than 13,000 parking spaces, however, has a perceived lack of parking. Nearly 50% of respondents cited spending five minutes or less on finding parking, with additional concessions being considered to help more businesses provide parking for customers.


Would you pay for parking in George Town?

With nearly 90% of respondents saying they would pay for parking, incentivised parking schemes, such as a Park & Ride, could be a viable solution to helping alleviate congestion along roads leading into the city centre, especially during peak times.


What measures could help reduce traffic congestion in George Town?

With measures to help cyclists and pedestrians move around more freely cited as possible solutions for reducing traffic congestion, ‘sharrows’, raised pedestrian crossings and a free shuttle service have all been incorporated or trialed in the city centre.


What types of housing would you like to see in George Town?

Varying the sizes, densities and uses of buildings makes for a richer city experience, with survey respondents favouring traditional urban living, such as mixed-use spaces and apartment units with shared green spaces, over low- to mid-rise and single dwellings.